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Spain Education publishes the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year

July 04, 2022

Original Article:

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Education publishes the school calendar for the 2022-2023 academic year . The Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands (BOC) collects this Wednesday, April 20, the resolution of last April 6 of the General Directorate of Centers, Infrastructure and Educational Promotion of the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports of the Government of the Canary Islands that establishes the September 9, 2022 as the start date of the 2022-2023 school year for Early Childhood and Primary Education students . Classes at this educational level will end on June 23, 2023.

On September 12, the school year will begin in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Baccalaureate for adults, Training Programs for Adapted Vocational Training, Face-to-face and distance Vocational Training and Basic Training for Adults, Specific course for access to Intermediate Training Cycles, Teaching Elementary and Professional Music, Intermediate and Higher Level Training Cycles in Plastic Arts and Design, Sports Education and Higher Artistic Education in Music, Design and Dramatic Art, Mentor Classrooms, Basic Computer Science and Special Regime Language Education.

The classes of That's English!, Preparation for entrance exams to Formative Cycles and Preparation for the free test of direct obtaining of the Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education will begin on September 26.

The school year will begin on September 1, 2022 and will end on August 31, 2023. The ordinary activities of the school year will begin on September 1, 2022 and end on June 30, 2023 . In higher artistic education, the ordinary activities of the school year will begin on September 1, 2022 and end on July 14, 2023, as provided in Annex II of this Resolution.

The resolution will apply to all public and private centers that provide early childhood education, primary education, compulsory secondary education, high school, vocational training, adapted vocational training programs, adult education, sports education, professional education in plastic arts and design. , elementary and professional education in music and dance, higher artistic education in music, design, dramatic art and language education.

The official language schools, as educational centers that provide special regimen language education, will adjust their teaching activities to the organization, operation and calendar instructions issued by the General Directorate of Vocational Training and Adult Education for said education.

Educational centers not dependent on the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports that are authorized to teach the first cycle of early childhood education, may adapt the established calendar according to their own organizational needs.

Each teaching center dependent on the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports that teaches the first cycle of early childhood education, in view of the exceptional circumstances of its implementation, may adapt the start date of the course, subject to supervision by the Education Inspectorate and communication to the corresponding Territorial Directorate.

The progressive incorporation or the flexibility of the schedule for the infant education students enrolled in the center for the first time, must be planned in such a way that these students are fully incorporated into the academic activity at the end of the first five school days of the start of classes. in the middle. However, students in early childhood education, enclave classrooms or special education centers, who are joining an educational center for the first time and who present adaptation difficulties , must take advantage of the measures agreed by the management team, to proposal of the educational team, after hearing the family.

At the levels of early childhood education and primary education, and in special education centers , classes will be taught on an intensive day basis in the period from the start date to September 16, and from June 1, until the end of the teaching activities (June 23). During the intensive day, the students' teaching hours will be reduced by one hour a day at the end of the day, making the corresponding adaptations. On September 19, the ordinary day of classes will begin according to the modality that the center has authorized.

The Compulsory Education Centers (CEO), during the intensive day period of September and June, may adapt the schedule of the students to the transport service, maintaining the number of teaching sessions. The calendar established in general for Vocational Training teachings may be adapted, for Dual Vocational Training, by the General Directorate of Vocational Training and Adult Education. In all centers, the mandatory end-of-year cloister will be held on June 30, 2023.

During the 2022/2023 school year, the following will be considered as school vacation periods:

Christmas: from December 23, 2022 to January 6, 2023, both inclusive.
Easter: from April 3 to 7, 2023, both inclusive.

The following will be national holidays and those of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands for the 2022/2023 school year: In 2022, October 12 (National Holiday of Spain), November 1 (All Saints), December 6 (Day of the Spanish Constitution), December 8 (Immaculate Conception).

As well as, in the islands, the following labor holidays: Fuerteventura : September 16, festivity of Our Lady of the Rock. El Hierro : September 24, the feast of Our Lady of the Kings. Gran Canaria: September 8, festivity of Our Lady of the Pine. La Gomera: October 3, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Lanzarote and La Graciosa : September 15, the feast of Our Lady of the Volcanoes.

The two days corresponding to the local festivities will be those provided in the Official Bulletin of the Canary Islands for each municipality, in the event that they coincide within the school calendar. 3. December 7, 2022 is also considered a holiday for academic purposes, celebrating Teacher and Student Day.

In addition to the days indicated as holidays in the previous instruction, the School Councils of the centers, having heard the Municipal School Council where it was constituted, may establish up to a maximum of four non-school days. The fixing of the days of free disposal will be done avoiding that there are weeks with a single school day.

Delivery of qualifications
Before May 19, 2023, and through the established procedure, the management of the center will send to the Educational Inspection, for its supervision, the planning of all the activities scheduled for the completion of the course, specifying the dates of the training sessions. final evaluation, which will be determined respecting the teaching activities; as well as the dates corresponding to the remaining activities planned until June 30 , except for higher artistic education, which will end on July 14, 2023 ; all this within the framework of the calendar established in this Resolution. The entire school community will be informed of said planning.

The day designated for the delivery of the final grades will be used to attend , by the teaching staff, according to the procedure determined by the center's management, the clarifications required by parents, guardians or legal guardians, guardians or students. The specification of the two business days following the publication or notification of the qualifications provided as the deadline for submitting claims to the center's management, as well as the precise time at which said term ends, will be announced by both the tutors and the tutors as well as through its outstanding publication in the places enabled for center communications.

Likewise, the centers that teach courses incorporated into the centralized register of academic records must close, before the end of September 2022, and in the aforementioned application, the 2021/2022 academic year, essential for the subsequent processing of the corresponding titles. academic records, referral to the destination centers of the academic records of the students who have transferred and the delivery of a copy of them to the families of those students who have completed the stage.

Calendar of extraordinary tests
The centers will publish before May 19, 2023, the calendar of the extraordinary tests in the corresponding teachings. For students accessing the FCT II module in the first semester of the 2022/2023 academic year , an extraordinary final evaluation session of FCT II will be held within a period not exceeding five working days from its completion, in which it is decided your degree and certification proposal.


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