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Jul 18, 2024

The CZ Ministry of Education is preparing a change in matriculation exams. The final thesis should now be part of them

The school leaving certificate could be replaced by a so-called complex graduate thesis with a defense. In particular, for professional fields of study with a high school diploma, the change could enable linking the final exam with practice. This could be brought about by an amendment to the Education Act, which the ministry wants to present by the end of the month.

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Jul 9, 2024

The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport has a plan to support movement in schools for the next 5 years

Active transport to and from school, exercise breaks in lessons, changes in physical education lessons, open playgrounds, more school sports competitions, more intensive support for sports talents, but also support for dual careers of athletes at universities.

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Apr 23, 2024

The CZ school application system was once again unavailable

The high school application system was temporarily unavailable. The director of the organization Cermat, Miroslav Krejčí, said that it did not work due to the failure of basic registers.

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Feb 12, 2024

In CZ, it is possible to apply secondary school electronically

The DiPSy digital application system for secondary school applications for the 2024/2025 school year was launched this evening. Applicants and their parents can submit applications until February 20. The application can be submitted completely online using the Citizen Identity

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Feb 8, 2024

CZ Secondary education is to change in the coming years, the government has approved a strategy

Secondary education should change in the next four years to meet the interest of applicants and the demand of the labor market. The Ministry of Education's strategic document was approved by the government on Wednesday. Priority should be given to changing the subject structure of secondary schools and strengthening general education. The long-term plan also focuses on equalizing inequalities in access to quality education.

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Feb 6, 2024

CZ schools are still taking the concessions from the government

They do not yet have confidence in the coalition's promise, yet after the strike there is relief from the schools that the quality of teaching does not have to drop significantly. Even Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) has already promised that the number of hours for specially focused teaching will not be drastically reduced.

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Dec 22, 2023

CZ Education minister seeking extra funds to avert nationwide strike action

Education Minister Mikuláš Bek wants to seek additional funds for his sector at a meeting with coalition partners, the ctk news agency reported.

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Nov 27, 2023

Electronic secondary school entrance exams are at risk in CZ

The system was supposed to be prepared by a competing company, but it failed the tender. Therefore, Cermat must prepare the complete system by its own efforts, by the end of the year.

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Nov 22, 2023

In CZ, schools are supposed to cut back on seminars and internships

Due to budget cuts, schools should limit the number of teaching hours, so that there will be less time for gifted, more narrowly focused pupils, but also for preparation for entrance exams or graduation.

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Nov 14, 2023

The CZ Ministry will once again support Ukrainian assistants and the language education of Ukrainians

The Ministry of Education wants to continue supporting Ukrainian teaching assistants and the language education of Ukrainians in order to ensure their successful integration. The support was also approved for the period from the beginning of the new school year to the end of the calendar year, almost 116 million crowns will go to assistants for this period, over 12 million crowns to language education in the field of university studies.

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Nov 13, 2023

Applications for secondary schools will be allowed to be submitted three times, the CZ government supported

Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) announced at a press conference on Wednesday that the government has supported changes in applications to secondary schools. Students would now have the opportunity to submit three applications instead of two, and also electronically. The proposal was submitted by MPs across the political spectrum.

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Aug 29, 2023

Czech Republic Education is already missing billions, while more cuts are on the way

The budget of the Ministry of Education should be increased by at least nine billion kroner compared to this year, so that the government will comply with the new legal rules for teacher salary increases. However, the Ministry of Finance is proposing cuts of 29 billion for education.

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Aug 1, 2023

Growing interest in general education and secondary schools produce specific professions in CZ

Secondary schools are not prepared in terms of capacity for the strong year of the so-called Husák's grandchildren, who are heading for the entrance exams this year. Councilor of the Central Bohemian Region Milan Vácha (STAN) and EDUin director Miroslav Hřebecký agree in the Pro and Against program that radical systemic changes in education policy are needed, and blame the state and school founders for the situation.

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Apr 19, 2023

Prague education is in danger of collapse, thousands of places are missing

The mayors of all Prague city districts agreed on a joint procedure for solving the crisis in education at Monday's assembly. According to the mayors, both kindergarten, primary and secondary education in the capital is underfunded, so they are asking the Ministry of Regional Development to create a national subsidy program for Prague schools that works for the rest of the country.

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Apr 10, 2023

Czech Republic Ministry of Education and Culture is preparing to enable the electronicization of applications to secondary schools

The Ministry of Education (MŠMT) wants to create a register of pupils, which is intended, among other things, to facilitate enrollment in kindergartens and primary schools and to enable electronic registration for secondary schools. The department is working on the creation of an information system to simplify school administration. The register, which will be part of the new education information system called eEdu, should be available in 2025 at the earliest.

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Apr 4, 2023

About 114,000 Czech Republic students want to take the matriculation course

Approximately 114,000 applicants submitted applications for the uniform entrance exams for matriculation studies at secondary schools and multi-year gymnasiums. Last year, 103,000 children signed up for the exams organized by Cermat.

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Oct 10, 2022

In Czech Republic, multi-year high schools managed the school leaving exams best

This year, as in previous years, high school students performed best in the school-leaving exams, especially from multi-year high schools. 0.9 percent failed the eight-year exam and 1.3 percent failed the six-year exam, while 2.4 percent failed the four-year exam. On the contrary, 30.1 percent of pupils failed in non-technical fields of study.

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Oct 4, 2022

New apprentices among those admitted to secondary schools was the lowest so far in Czech Republic

In the past school year, the smallest share of pupils in the modern history of the Czech Republic, i.e. since 1993, entered fields with a teaching certificate. The share of new apprentices was 27.2 percent of all those admitted to secondary schools. In previous years, their number was around 30 percent.

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Aug 16, 2022

In Czech Republic, the number of schools with matriculation courses is decreasing

In the Czech Republic, there are now fewer schools with matriculation courses than there were when the state matriculation was introduced in 2011. The decrease is probably also related to demographic development and the decrease in the number of secondary school students due to lower birth rates.

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Aug 15, 2022

Ukrainian students also apply for a four-year graduation course in Czech Republic

According to information from the company Cermat, which organizes uniform entrance exams, 1,281 refugees from Ukraine applied for high school graduation courses throughout the Czech Republic. The vast majority of them want to get into four-year courses, only 33 applications were submitted to multi-year grammar schools.

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Czech Republic


The Czech Republic, a small country in Central Europe, was the western part of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. The Czech Republic is historically divided into three regions—Bohemia, Moravia and a part of Silesia. Prague is the capital. United into a common state after World War I, the Czechs, Moravians and Slovaks remained together for almost 75 years. On January 1, 1993, the two republics split to form two separate states.


Prior to the separation, each country passed the same higher education reform in 1991. The new laws disbanded central authority of the existing ministries and brought autonomy back to the institutional level. This power included the ability to establish curricula, regulate enrollment and establish new faculties.

The academic year lasts from September to August with a long vacation from June 15 to September 1. The language of instruction is Czech, English and German. Currently, Czech Republic's education system is overseen by the Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy.

Primary and Secondary Education

Education in the Czech Republic is compulsory from ages 6 through 15. Students enter the primary/basic school where there are two stages of learning—first to fifth year and then sixth to ninth year. Secondary education is offered at 3 types of schools—secondary general schools (gymnasium), secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools.

Gymnasiums prepare students for study at higher education institutions and or professions. The secondary technical schools and four year or three year follow-up courses at vocational schools prepare students for a wide range of professions, as well as for studies at higher education institutions.

Post-Secondary Education

As an outgrowth of the reform, Bachelor degrees were established and an independent accreditation system was created. Progress over the next seven years resulted in significantly higher enrollments, the creation of a non-university higher education sector, which previously did not exist, the establishment of private institutions and a system that now included both bachelors and masters degrees.

Under the 1998 Higher Education Act, post secondary vocational educational institutions were able to apply for accreditation to award degrees at the bachelor level (or higher) either under the institutional name or under the auspices of a university.

Higher Education is offered at university and non-university type institutions. University level higher education programs offer Bachelor, Master and Doctoral study programs. Tertiary professional schools, even though they are not part of higher education belong to tertiary education and offer professional education leading to a diploma, mostly in economics and health care. Higher education institutions can be of university and non-university type.

The non-university higher education institutions usually offer Bachelor studies and, if accredited, master studies. They are not allowed to provide doctoral study programs. University-type higher education institutions offer Bachelor, Master and in most cases also Doctoral study programs. Higher education institutions offer courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine and Pharmacy, and Theology, as well as in Economics, Veterinary Medicine, and Agriculture, Teacher Training and Arts. They are public, state or private institutions.

Teacher Training

Basic school teachers are trained at Faculties of Education. Teachers of the first stage of primary school follow a four-year course, those for the second stage follow a five-year course combining two subjects. Those specialized in Music Education are usually graduates of four-year or six-year conservatories. Secondary general school and secondary technical school teachers are trained in Faculties of Education, Arts, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Physics, Physical Education and Sports, as well as in Technical, Economic and Agricultural Faculties. They obtain their qualifications through Master's degree courses.



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