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Baccalaureate session 2021 in Niger: 17,829 admitted out of 78,372 candidates

March 24, 2022

Original Article:

The original article requires translation. 

''Of the 82,133 registered candidates distributed in 197 centers including 58 centers in Niamey, 78,372 composed and 3,762 candidates were absent including 9,29 girls and 2,833 boys, that is 4.58% of the workforce. Of the 78,372 candidates who composed, including 29,771 girls and 48,601 boys, girls represent 37.29% of the registered candidates and 37.98% of the candidates present,'' said Minister Mamoudou Djibo.

“Thus, out of the 78,372 candidates who have actually composed, it is a total of 17,829 including 6,442 girls and 11,387 boys who obtain their parchments, in the various series and specialties of the Nigerian baccalaureate and girls represent 36.13% of the workforce. total admissions'' announced the Minister of Higher Education.

The Minister said that “overall, the success rate for the 2021 baccalaureate is 22.75% for all series and specialties combined. This rate is in very clear decline since we note a significant fall of 11 points compared to the 33.76% of the previous session''.

According to Mr. Mamoudou Djibo, among these admitted candidates, 994 obtained the mention Assez bien including 370 girls, 89 obtained their Bac with the mention Bien, of which 54 girls and 7 pass with the mention Very good, among them 3 girls.

The success rates by region are as follows: Agadez 23.75%, Diffa 23.63%, Dosso 22.74%, Maradi 17.98%, Niamey 27.02%, Tahoua 22.13%, Tillaberi 20.70 % and Zinder 20.50%. The success rate for girls is 36.13% of the total number of admitted students this year.

The Minister of Higher Education also indicated the success rate by type of baccalaureate is 21.79% for the general secondary education baccalaureate; 25.35% for the technical education baccalaureate and finally 40.38% for the vocational education baccalaureate.

Mr. Mamoudou Djibo specified that with regard to the classic series of the general secondary education baccalaureate and the E series which concentrate more than 93% of the candidates having composed, the success rate is established as follows: for the A4 series with 10,298 candidates admitted out of the 43,737 present, the rate is 23.55%; with regard to the A8 series with 1,251 candidates admitted out of the 4,367 present, the success rate is 28.65%; in series C, 103 candidates are admitted out of the 202 present for a success rate of 50.99%; concerning series D, 4,266 admitted out of the 24,714 present, the rate is 17.26%, and finally for series E out of the 50 present the success rate is 52%.

Recall that the baccalaureate session took place from Tuesday August 4 to 17, 2021 throughout the national territory of Niger.


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