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Emergent News

Portugal students demand better internet and the end of national exams

January 04, 2024

Dozens of students from Escola Artística Soares dos Reis, in Porto, joined together in a protest organized by the "Voz aos Estudantes" movement. The concentration was marked by demands for the improvement of conditions at that educational institution.

Sweden minister says students get too high grades in mathematics

January 04, 2024

Swedish students get higher and higher grades at the same time as the Pisa results show their knowledge is declining.

Sweden National tests become digital - students at Tingberg School in Kungsbacka among the first

January 03, 2024

About 60 schools are trying to write national tests digitally instead of on paper. This is how students at Tingberg School in Kungsbacka think it works - see when Lilla currently visits the class.

Singapore-Cambridge GCE N(A)- & N(T)-Level Examination Results Released

January 02, 2024

The results of the 2023 Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Normal (Academic)-[N(A)] and Normal (Technical)-[N(T)] Level Examinations will be released.

About 60,000 Victorian year 12 students learn long-awaited ATAR results

January 01, 2024

About 60,000 Victorian VCE students who received their long-awaited results. According to the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), the average ATAR for the class of 2023 was 69.41 — a slight decrease from last years' average of 70.33.

52% of Castellón residents over 16 years of age do not have compulsory education

December 29, 2023

Generational reasons, others linked to the brick boom and the sheer, simple and harsh abandonment of school can explain that more than half of Castellón residents over 16 years of age do not currently have a Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) degree. .

In Spain, one in four young people only has compulsory education

December 29, 2023

The Community reaches the lowest percentage in the historical series since 2002, when it stood at 35.3%, although it is still almost double the average of OECD countries, of 14%

Cantabria Governing Council approves several agreements to promote free educational resources and curricular materials

December 28, 2023

The Government Council has approved agreements with several local entities for the Educational Resources Program in the current school year and thus promote the progressive free-of-charge of curricular materials.

Mazón assures that the music subject will once again be mandatory in ESO in 2024

December 28, 2023

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón , that the subject of music will no longer be a "mary" in compulsory secondary education and will be a mandatory subject starting next year to continue "training our young people."

A new Curriculum Design for Youth Secondary Education will be implemented in Argentina

December 27, 2023

In a meeting with directors, details were transmitted about this initiative that focuses on more participatory pedagogical methods adapted to the needs of young people, with the firm intention of promoting their active involvement in their own learning and comprehensive development.


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