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New grading in Sweden - "Positive that overall assessment determines"

Jan 19, 2023, 12:00 PM
Compensatory grading is now being introduced in primary and secondary schools. LR welcomes that the student's worst performance should not define the entire grade. It is very positive that the teacher's overall assessment can decide, says the chairman Åsa Fahlén.
Title : New grading in Sweden - "Positive that overall assessment determines"
Source : Skolvarlden
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The original article requires translation.

The idea of ​​compensatory grading is that the teacher's overall assessment will give a fairer picture of the student's knowledge of a subject.

- A teacher assesses so much all the time, even alongside direct tests. I hope that the overall perspective leads to a greater knowledge focus and that we get away from the ticking off hysteria that sometimes arose when each knowledge requirement was taken by itself. I think this will be better for both students and teachers.

Was hard to accept
In an earlier interview with Skolvärlden , government investigator Jörgen Tholin, who proposed the change, explained that the then rule was difficult for teachers and students to accept.

- The prime example has been this student who achieves an A in all parts of a subject except one, where it becomes an E. Then the grade can never be higher than a D. Many do not think that is reasonable, he said.

Åsa Fahlén agrees with Tholin's view and adds that the knowledge requirements also have different dignity and that different subjects are designed in different ways.

- One element can be completely fundamental while another is not. The teacher must make an overall assessment of this.

"Opens the floodgates"
Subject teacher Nicklas Mörk, on the other hand, criticizes the change . He certainly believes that it is good that there is trust in the teachers and believes that it could have worked if the grading system looked different, but sees the change as "the last death knell for the grading system".

- Rather, this opens the floodgates for even more grade inflation. The whole issue of equivalence is placed in the lap of each individual teacher. I don't think that works, he previously told Skolvärlden.

"Feel positive"
Åsa Fahlén responds to it as follows:

- The problems surrounding happiness ratings are always there and there are so many other components. This does not mean that we should ignore any knowledge requirements. On the other hand, as a teacher, you need to look at the larger context when looking at the goal of the subject or course and be able to make an assessment. I think it feels positive and hope that there can be an increased focus on knowledge and pressure that it is the teacher who makes overall assessments.

Tried to raise the grades
Another change in grading is that the requirement to take into account all available information is abolished. This has sometimes led to students unsolicited submitting written assignments close to the grading in order to try to raise their grades. For teachers, this has resulted in an unsustainable workload.

- Completely reasonable. It is clear that, based on their work situation, the teacher must say when students can submit work or not.


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