What is this document that I’m looking at? Can I send you a copy of it?
Apr 17, 2020, 16:11 PM
Title :
What is this document that I’m looking at? Can I send you a copy of it?
- EDGE does not evaluate documents or credentials or assess individual evaluators on credentials they are working on. However, AACRAO Members can connect with evaluators in the credential evaluation space who are often happy to help a colleague in the AACRAO Exchange.
- If you've checked the relevant EDGE page and believe that this document is not covered there, you can submit the document to the IESC for review, it is important that you redact the document to protect individual student privacy.
- If the document is not yet in EDGE, we will need to do additional research before we can answer your question. The IESC is an volunteer group who meets twice monthly and so updates do take some time to complete.
- If an EDGE profile describes a credential but does not contain an example document, please use the above link to submit it to the IESC. We are always happy to expand our collection.