Questions about whom to contact? Please see the Contact Directory.
We want to hear from you.Email is the best way to reach staff.Phone lines are working. If you do not reach your intended party, be sure to leave a voicemail.Mail sent to the office is checked weekly. Expect delays in response and processing.
Managing ConsultantAACRAO ConsultingBusiness Development Division
Tammy provides direct consulting services to client institutions, and solicits and follows-up on inquiries from prospective clients.
Business Development Division
Associate Executive DirectorStrategy & Planning Division202-355-1052
Quintina is the executive lead responsible for AACRAO's position in the field of higher education administrators. She synchronizes all association staff, activities, and offerings to fulfill AACRAO's five strategic goals.
Strategy & Planning Division
Director, Marketing and CommunicationsStrategy & Planning Division202-355-1043
Joseph works across association departments to develop and execute strategic communications and marketing plans that support the association’s mission, engagement, and revenue goals while maintaining brand and messaging consistency.
Assistant Director Public PolicyResearch & Policy Division202-263-0297
Mike directs ongoing monitoring and analysis of federal legislative and regulatory developments, emerging issues, and trends to determine the potential impact on AACRAO members. Additionally, Mike serves as editor of AACRAO Transcript.
Research & Policy Division
Associate DirectorIT and Business OperationsOperations Division202-263-0295
Brittany helps manage the Association's IT systems. She evaluates business processes, anticipating requirements, uncovering areas for improvement, and developing and implementing solutions for each department.
Operations Division
Assistant DirectorEDGE DevelopmentResearch & Policy Division202-355-1063
Drew provides customer service, refines and standardizes EDGE content, and manages projects that anchor AACRAO EDGE's position as an authoritative guide on comparative international education from a US perspective.
Associate Executive DirectorEducation & Member Development Division202-263-0288
Dr. DeNeen is the executive lead responsible for professional development and content delivery with a focus on strategic plan alignment, and maintains overall responsibility for the activities in the EMD Division.
Education & Member Development
Communications CoordinatorStrategy & Planning Division202-355-1052
Paulina Duque is the communication coordinator. She helps coordinate, manage, and design AACRAO’s social media content. She is also responsible for editing and scheduling a variety of AACRAO e-blasts and newsletters.
DirectorMeetings & EventsEducation & Member Development Division
Becky leads and manages logistics related to the execution of AACRAO meetings and events, including contracting and sourcing meeting venues, registration process design, marketing, and materials procurement.
Education & Member Development Division
DirectorInternationalResearch & Policy Division202-355-1054
Julia directs the international department, provides visibility of AACRAO to the global higher education community, and oversees the Electronic Database for Global Education and the Law School Admissions Council service lines.
Senior DirectorGovernment RelationsResearch & Policy Division202-355-1080
Bill manages and implements AACRAO’s public policy agenda and oversees federal government relations, legislative, policy and regulatory matters impacting the AACRAO membership.
Jody provides direct consulting services to client institutions, develops and executes training programs, contributes research and knowledge to the profession, and assists with partnerships with companies and agencies.
Executive DirectorBoard & Governance Division202-355-1055
Melanie is responsible for ensuring the association's operations (to include staff, infrastructure, products, and services) are in alignment to carry out the mission according to the strategic direction of the AACRAO Board of Directors.
Board & Governance Division
DirectorInformation TechnologyOperations Division202-263-0291
Charles manages the IT team to tackle all AACRAO's technical needs for the present and future, including AMS management, cybersecurity, systems integration, project management, and hardware.
Associate Executive DirectorOperations Division202-263-0285
Martha is the executive lead for operations and membership at AACRAO. She oversees member acquisition and systems management and implementation. She also coordinates the organization's IT, Accounting, and HR departments.
Associate Director, Data VisualizationStrategy & Planning Division202-355-1041
Kelli prepares, analyzes, and documents reports for management and various stakeholders across the association.
Executive Assistant & Board LiaisonBoard & Governance Division202-263-0290
Tiffany facilitates the coordination of scheduling and the communication between the Executive Team and board members.
Associate DirectorMembership & AwardsOperations Division202-355-1098
Malenah is responsible for managing the AACRAO Jobs service in addition to the annual awards program. She also facilitates the planning for the annual membership renewal campaign and assists with general operations.
Associate DirectorExhibits & EventsEducation & Member Development Division202-263-0287
Natalia is the primary point of contact for companies and organizations purchasing exhibit space or paid presentations at AACRAO meetings.
Director, Corporate PartnershipsBusiness Development Division202-293-9161
Chris is responsible for the association's corporate memberships, sponsorship across AACRAO's event, research and product inventory, and manages yearly or longer term corporate partnerships/agreements across AACRAO's various departments.
Senior FellowEducation & Member Development
Dale is a leading authority on student privacy law and has 13 years of experience administering the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).
DirectorMembership & OperationsOperations Division202-355-1053
Alex oversees the Membership and Operations team and coordinates the retention of over 11,000 existing members, the recruitment of new members, as well as drafting membership policy to align with AACRAO's strategic plan.
Senior Director, ResearchResearch & Policy Division202-355-1066
Dr. Kilgore leads AACRAO's research agenda, providing valuable insights into issues that impact the professionals and learners that our members serve.
Associate DirectorInformation TechnologyOperations Division202-355-1074
Matt assists the IT team in strategizing, policy-making, standardization, and providing guidance in managing AACRAO's core systems.
Assistant DirectorMembership & OperationsOperations Division202-263-0284
Orlando serves as the primary customer service contact for AACRAO members, assisting with renewal and member maintenance projects and general operations.
Associate Director, InternationalResearch & Policy Division202-293-9161
David manages AACRAO’s contracted partnership with the Law School Admission Council (LSAC), provides training and guidance for remote evaluation staff, and contributes expertise to EDGE, while serving as an ex-officio member of AACRAO’s International Education Standards Council (IESC).
Global LeadConsultingBusiness Development Division202-293-9161
Jill is responsible for all aspects of Consulting, oversees approximately 60 highly qualified contracted consultants, develops new business lines, and maintains and expands AACRAO’s standing as a global SEM leader.
CoordinatorEducation & MemberDevelopment Division(202) 355-1047
Marisella provides administrative support to the AED, EMD and cross-divisional assistance to the departments within EMD.
Senior FellowEducation & Member Development Division202-355-1059
LeRoy is the nation’s leading authority on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
CoordinatorContent and CurriculumEducation & Member Development Division202-355-1069
Belma assists in the management, design, and production of AACRAO’s on-demand courses/micro-credentials and manages all webinar related activities.
Community & Volunteer ManagerImpact & EngagementStrategy & Planning Division202-355-1043
Paige manages member-driven networks. She encourages collaboration throughout the membership empowering AACRAO professionals to leverage resources, professional functions, and personal identities.
Associate Executive DirectorBusiness Development & Strategic Partnerships Division
Dr. Simmons is the executive lead responsible for leading the consulting, corporate partnerships and grants teams in creating and maintaining valuable strategic relationships and creating resource opportunities that allow AACRAO to meet strategic goals and serve our members.
Associate DirectorContent and CurriculumEducation & Member Development Division202-355-1069
Mike supports the management, production, and delivery of all AACRAO programming in the professional proficiencies, including faculty-led courses, on-demand courses, institutional FERPA training and SEM-EP, as well as virtual events like Tech Transfer.
DirectorConsulting OperationsBusiness Development Division202-355-1049
Nicole directs all operational aspects of AACRAO Consulting's services as well as managing consultant activities, and contributing to the development of strategic department initiatives such as marketing, new business lines, and recruiting consultant expertise.
DirectorContent & CurriculumEducation & Member Development Division202-355-1064
Annetta oversees the development and implementation of AACRAO's adult education strategy and offerings to include faculty recruitment and training, and leads the C&C department in the design of custom training modules.
Content Strategy ManagerStrategy & PlanningCommunications & Marketing Division202-355-1046
Autumn is the lead storyteller, transforming AACRAO’s industry-leading work into a consistent voice.
Assistant DirectorMeetings & EventsEducation & Member Development Division202-263-0286
Erika provides operational support and is the primary contact for conference and event registration customer service inquiries.
Managing Editor, Journals and Publications
Heather is responsible for the management, design, and production through all levels of AACRAO publications and journals. Heather also manages publication inventory, sales and distribution.
Learn what the AACRAO Government Relations team is working on related to the U.S. Election, FVT/GE, and more.
AACRAO Staff member, Michele Sandlin, discusses her upcoming retirement and what she'll be focusing on in the coming years.
Gottlieb to serve as Interim Executive Director beginning May 1
Candidate to be announced before the 2021 (106th) AACRAO Annual Meeting.
Help us welcome him to our team.
Next step: develop strategies and tactics.
Help us welcome her to the team.
Connect editor Brooke Barnett says goodbye to AACRAO.
New 10-year plan to be released in the coming months.
Conference to be held virtually in October.
Researching and documenting education news from around the world.
Ed’s groundbreaking work and advocacy enriched AACRAO and higher education.
Remote work is the new normal, but physical distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation.
The University Registrar, basketball aficionado, and long-time AACRAO volunteer will become the new AED of Meetings and Partnerships on May 1.
After nearly 50 years in service to higher education, the Associate Executive Director and “heart of AACRAO” is ready for her next adventure.
AACRAO's seat at the table with the presidential administration and Congress.
Melanie talks about the transition from institution to association and confesses to "a serious book habit."
She oversees the task flow of consulting projects -- and has been known to frequent throwback 80s parties.
Meet AACRAO's resident polo fan, yogini and C&U wordsmith.
AACRAO's art and theater enthusiast, classical musician and practicing SEM doctor.
This issue, promenade with avid reader, chef and practiced square dancer Julia Funaki.
Meety AACRAO's resident IT guru, pool shark, and dance pro!