Meet the Staff: Charles Han, Assistant Director of Information Technology

October 21, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect
  • AACRAO Staff

"Meet the AACRAO Staff" is an occasional Connect feature. It’s one way for members to get to know some of the folks hard at work in the AACRAO office. Another way? Come see us in D.C.--we’ll roll out the welcome mat for you!

So how long have you been at AACRAO?

Charles: I was hired back in late 2008. I had just moved to D.C. after graduating from the University of Minnesota (go Gophers!), and was interning at the senate when I applied and got the job. 

What kind of work do you get invovled in?

Charles: I guess it is a little bit of everything as far as IT goes. I help the team with network services, I do some website development and programming, I help staff figure out why things aren't printing or displaying correctly, I trouble shoot issues with remote staff, and so on. Never a dull moment! 

You mentioned you moved here after attending school in Minnesota - are you from there originally? 

Charles: Actually, I was born in California, then moved to Seoul in Korea and attended an international high school there. I really liked Minnesota when I was looking at universities, so that's how I ended up there. 

What do you enjoy doing when you aren't trouble shooting our systems?

Charles: I am a big fan of pool - I have played in a couple leagues, but haven't been able to this season. I am also really enjoying a number of shows right now - especially Archer and Boardwalk Empire. 

Can you tell us something about you that we in the office don't know?

Charles: I really enjoy getting out on the dance floor whenever I can with friends. My favorite style is pop and lock!


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