2025-2026 Nominations & Elections Committee
Vice President for Records and Academic Services
.png?sfvrsn=427e52ea_3) | Julia PomerenkRegistrar and Assistant Vice President for Student Services and Enrollment Management, University of OregonRead Statement
Vice President for Finance
.png?sfvrsn=3b115e0c_3) | Ari KaufmanAssistant Director of Project Management and Student Data Compliance, Berklee College of MusicRead Statement
2022-2023 Nominations & Elections Chair-Elect
.png?sfvrsn=c42fd01f_3) | Wendolyn DavisDirector of Transfer Center, University of TennesseeRead Statement
2022-2023 Nominations & Elections Vice Chair-Elect
.png?sfvrsn=17f2cdce_3) | Sasha SuzukiAssociate University Registrar, Wake Forest UniversityRead Statement
2022-2023 Nominations & Elections Committee Alternates
Institutional Voter Registration Compliance
In accordance with the 1998 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965, institutions must make a good faith effort to distribute voter registration forms and make such forms widely available to students in attendance.
Learn more about Voter Registration Compliance
AACRAO is a nonpartisan association
We are committed to increasing voter turnout for our own elections as well as on a National level