Executive Team Updates

AACRAO Executive Director Statement on Transcript Withholding and Partial Transcript Holds | 06/06/2024

AACRAO has developed guidance to help institutions navigate the changing landscape around transcript holds. Our guidance document, "AACRAO Guidance in Response to Federal Regulation Changes on Financial Responsibility and Administrative Capability," builds upon our previous work on this issue and the joint statement we issued with NACUBO in April 2022.

Evolving the Learning and Employment Ecosystem in Higher Education | 11/22/2023

Both the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and International Business Machines (IBM) are active in pursuing the development of an ecosystem that enables learners to communicate, with trust and confidence, their skills, competencies and learning to support their next career opportunities. The opportunities might present themselves academically via pursuit of a credential from another institution or in the labor market. In either case, the ability to transmit trusted, verifiable credentials to reviewers with enough information embedded for recipients to discern how these skills translate into their specific contexts is, we believe, crucial for both sectors, and for the learner, as we move into a more volatile future. We felt the combined subject matter knowledge of the two organizations might highlight the need for the learning and employment ecosystem, the challenges to adoption and some recommendations for how to proceed.

  • Rick Goldgar
  • Mark McConahay
  • AACRAO 2023 Hill Day Returns to Capitol Hill | 06/22/2023

    Today, over 20 AACRAO advocates met with nearly 50 Congressional offices to share their practitioner perspective on how policy impacts the work our AACRAO members do on a daily basis.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • Headshot of Melanie Gottlieb.

    AACRAO 2022 Hill Day | 07/20/2022

    This week, 32 AACRAO advocates will meet with over 70 Congressional offices to discuss the association's legislative priorities.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • Photograph of Melanie Gottlieb, AACRAO Executive Director.

    AACRAO and NACUBO Issue Joint Statement on Institutional Holds | 4/7/2022 | 04/07/2022

    Associations provide specific guidance and best practices on the use of student success and administrative process holds, as well as on the use of holds tied to an unpaid balance.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • Photograph of Melanie Gottlieb, AACRAO Executive Director.

    Statement on Transcript Withholding | 2/17/2022 | 02/17/2022

    AACRAO comments on this week's discussion of a universal ban on transcript withholding for debt during U.S. Department of Education's Negotiated Rulemaking meeting.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • headshot of Tina DeNeen

    Implementing Success | 01/25/2022

    AACRAO's executive team takes a look at the work we've accomplished together promoting student achievement and re-envisioning transfer.

  • Dr. Tina DeNeen
  • Closing Out 2021 | 12/27/2021

    AACRAO's Interim Executive Director, Melanie Gottlieb, reflects on 2021 and the path forward.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • Headshot of Tom Green.

    Helping Community College Systems Address their Enrollment Challenges with SEM | 11/16/2021

    Exploring enrollment management trends in higher education and examining Guided Pathways programs.

  • Dr. Tom Green
  • headshot of Tina DeNeen

    Reimagining Inclusion | 10/19/2021

    A five year roadmap to building community at scale requires us to meet our members where they are.

  • Dr. Tina DeNeen
  • Hill Day Advocates Advance AACRAO's Legislative Priorities | 09/30/2021

    Last week, 33 AACRAO advocates met with nearly 60 Congressional offices to discuss AACRAO's priorities for the Higher Education Act reauthorization, which includes legislation to update FERPA, advance reverse transfer practices, and the doubling of the Pell Grant.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • The Strategic Plan at Work | 09/21/2021

    Update on changes made and the path ahead.

  • Melanie Gottlieb
  • melanie-people-pageMelanie Gottlieb, AACRAO Executive Director

    Melanie is responsible for ensuring the association's operations (including staff, infrastructure, products, and services) are in alignment to carry out the mission according to the strategic direction of the AACRAO Board of Directors.

    headshot of Qunitina Barnett GallionQuintina Barnett Gallion, Associate Executive Director at AACRAO

    Quintina is the executive lead responsible for AACRAO's position in the field of higher education administrators. She synchronizes all association staff, activities, and offerings to fulfill AACRAO's five strategic goals.

    Square photograph of Tina Deneen

    Dr. Tina Deneen, Associate Executive Director at AACRAO

    Dr. DeNeen is the executive lead responsible for professional development and content delivery with a focus on strategic plan alignment, and maintains overall responsibility for the activities in the EMD Division.

    martha-people-pageMartha Henebry, Associate Executive Director

    Martha is the executive lead for operations and membership at AACRAO. She oversees member acquisition and systems management and implementation. She also coordinates the organization's IT, Accounting, and HR departments. 

    Dr. Mike Simmons, Associate Executive Director

    Dr. Simmons is the executive lead responsible for leading the consulting, corporate partnerships, and grants teams in creating and maintaining valuable strategic relationships and creating resource opportunities that allow AACRAO to meet strategic goals and serve our members.