Registrar 101

2024 Schedule

Member price: $495 Non-member price: $545

Registrar 101 is an interactive, online course for members of the profession who have been in registrar or registrar-related positions for less than two years. The course deals with such fundamental issues as:
  • the role and mission of the registrar in higher education today
  • helpful information resources that registrars use for their daily work
  • the registrar's impact on academic policies and regulations
  • the latest interpretations of FERPA and other federal compliance issues
Facilitated by experienced members of the profession, participants compare notes on a wide range of topics of common interest and create a helpful network of colleagues at other institutions.

Participants should devote six to eight hours each of the four weeks the course is in session. Course work includes reading and online course activities at hours convenient to their schedules. AACRAO awards a Professional Development Certificate to participants who successfully complete all course modules.
General Syllabus


Feb 12 - Mar 17


June 3 - July 7


Sept 9 - Oct 13