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Host Doug McKenna

Music composed by Doug McKenna
Music performed by Doug McKenna and Andrew Brenner  Creative Commons License

licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Current Season

S4E6: Considerations When Closing an Institution

Doug McKenna |
October 29, 2021
  • Change Management
  • For the Record
  • Leadership and Management
  • Data Stewardship
  • Student Records Management

Considerations When Closing an Institution

Increased stressors on institutions of higher education in the United States have resulted in the closing or merging of some those institutions. Even prior to the pandemic, institutions were facing reduced state funding, a challenging recruiting environment, and renewed scrutiny about the value of a post-secondary education. AACRAO has recently published a report (linked below) providing guidance on what to do if your institution is closing or if you are at an institution receiving records from another institution. In this episode we talk about the lived experience of the registrar staff at an institution that is closing, from finding out to locking up the office for the last time.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are a number of very significant considerations that must be resolved relating to the students’ records when an institution is going to close;
  • Make sure you’re engaging in ongoing best practices with regards to imaging documents and updating student’s degre audits;
  • The closing of an institution will bring out many different emotions from many different people--remember to take time to be present for yourself and your team.

Ramie Nation, University Registrar
Baker University

References and Additional Information:
InsideHigherEd - Another Small Private College Will Close - November 9, 2017
HigherEd Dive - A Look at Trends in College Consolidation since 2016
AACRAO Report on Closing and Merging InstitutionsCore Competencies:
Leadership & Management
Change Management

Professional Proficiencies:
Data Stewardship
Student Records Management

Up Next: Season 7

October 2024 Interacting with Vendors

November 2024 Fraud! Fraud! How to Spot it and 
Prevent It




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