S5E5: Project Management for Registrars

Doug McKenna |
November 15, 2022
  • AACRAO Publications
  • For the Record

Project Management for Registrars

The modern registrar’s office moves readily from one project to the next in our work to support student success and provide outstanding service to the university community. Employing best practices from a project management framework can go a long way to making those projects run more smoothly, efficiently, and more successfully. Rita Peaster and Aaron Apel talk about their background and experience with project management frameworks, provide insights into ways to improve your office’s overall project management capabilities, and reflect on various aspects of project management.         

Key Takeaways:

  • Application of project management best practices can make the work of your office more efficient, effective, and successful.
  • Pursuing project management certification makes sense if your work includes significant project work. Otherwise, informal training will be sufficient. The Project Management Institute is a good place to start if you are interested in formal training or certification. There are also many free resources available with a simple web search.
  • Many downstream issues can be alleviated with careful, thoughtful preparation and consistent, transparent communication in the early stages of a project. Consider the stakeholders who will be affected and keep them in the loop. There will be surprises with every project and open communication from the start will help immensely.   


  • Doug McKenna, University Registrar, George Mason University
  • Sarah Reed, Registrar, University of California Hastings College of the Law


  • Rita Peaster, University Registrar, Oklahoma State University - Main Campus
  • Aaron Apel, Assistant Registrar for Enrollment & Residency, University of Wisconsin - Madison

References and Additional Information:

Core Competencies and Professional Proficiencies: