SEMQ Special Issue on Equity in SEM

November 28, 2023
  • Enrollment Management
  • SEMQ
Group of students working at a table.

AACRAO’s SEM Quarterly released a special issue this month on equity and strategic enrollment management. The issue includes topics on holistic disability and inclusion, an indigenous approach to SEM, and positionality awareness and training for college admissions recruiters, among many others. 

In the next decade, higher education in North America and beyond will concern itself increasingly with addressing equity, inclusion, diversity, and decolonization, wrote SEMQ Editor-in-Chief Clayton Smith in the issue’s editor’s note. To effectively do this, we will need to reach out and collaborate with colleagues throughout higher education, both in the United States and globally, and not just those who engage in enrollment management and academic services, but also those who teach and support our students throughout their educational journeys. This special issue (our first!) of SEM Quarterly speaks to how SEM practitioners are engaging with colleagues throughout the academy to create connections between SEM and equity.

Below are the featured articles and authors:

“We were thrilled to be able to highlight the important equity work of these talented authors in this special issue,” said Heather Zimar, SEMQ Managing Editor. And we look forward to continuing to highlight research and best practices on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the journal.” 

SEMQ’s regular production schedule includes four issues per year, published in January, April, July, and October in addition to a compilation issue, SEM Prep, which is released in the fall as pre-conference reading before AACRAO’s annual SEM Conference. 

For more information on SEMQ, or to submit an article idea, please contact the managing editor. 


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