Ask the FERPA Professor

July 21, 2023
  • FERPA Professor
cartoon figure reminiscent of Einstein stands in front of a chalkboard with the board "FERPA" written on it

Dear FERPA Professor, 

Our Office of the Registrar has received a request from a former student who wants to place a directory information hold on their student record.  If the student is no longer in attendance with my institution, do I have to honor this request?


A Prior Student Predicament

Dear Prior,

Students who are no longer in attendance at your institution, whether through non-attendance or graduation, have many of the same FERPA rights as students currently in attendance, including the right to: inspect their records, request a hearing to amend records, and have their education record privacy protected by the institution.  While former students may request a non-disclosure of directory information, it is up to the institution’s discretion to decide if it will honor the request.  However, if the student requests the non-disclosure at any point during their period of attendance, the request must be honored until such time as the student revokes it. 

I hope this is helpful in answering your question.  You may reference “Former Students’ Rights” on page 30, of the 2012 AACRAO FERPA Guide.

The FERPA Professor

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