S2E6: Emergency Management and You

February 27, 2020
  • Collaborative Decision-Making
  • Communication
  • Competencies
  • Leadership and Management
  • Records and Academic Services
  • Systems Management

Emergency Management and You

With the backdrop of a global pandemic (and a suspected case of COVID-19 at George Mason--which turned out to be negative), this episode explores the way that registrars support the work of the emergency manager at their institution. We’ll get a glimpse into the public safety and emergency response world, and talk about ways that the registrar’s mission aligns with that of emergency managers. While not specifically about COVID-19, we will talk about prevention of, planning for, and responses to various emergency situations, including infectious disease outbreaks.

Dr. David Farris, Director of Public Safety and Emergency Response
George Mason University

Key Takeaways:
The vast majority of work done by emergency managers is focused on the prevention of and planning for emergencies, and for providing training and resources to assist with campus readiness. (Also, participating on committees.)

Registrars play a critical role in supporting the emergency management process at an institution--including during planning, response, and recovery. Emergency managers are great people to know and registrars should cultivate that relationship *before* an emergency happens.

References and Additional Reading:
National Preparedness Leadership Initiative 
CDC Prevention GuidelinesIntroduction to Emergency Management
by Haddow, Bullock, and Coppola
The Unthinkable: Who Survives When Disaster Strikes, and Why
by Amanda Ripley

AACRAO Competencies:
Leadership and Management
Collaborative Decision-Making