AACRAO to Offer Five Scholarships to Partner Data Analytics Course

August 9, 2021
  • Enrollment Management
  • Grants and Scholarships
baby blue background with a computer monitor in the center and various icons, such as a bull horn and bullseye, coming out of the screen

AACRAO partners with Element451 to offer five scholarships to their new 8-week-long Enrollment Analytics Certificate course. Led by JC Bonilla, Chief Analytics Officer at Element451 and Adjunct Faculty at NYU and RICE University, the course teaches a small cohort of students how to use data to modernize and maximize their enrollment efforts.



Participants gain practical knowledge of:

  • Student persona modeling
  • Purchase and likeliness to apply modeling
  • Incoming class and cohort analytics
  • and executive dashboard building

You do not need to be an Element451 client or use their CRM to take full advantage of this program.

The AACRAO professions today are steeped in data. To be successful in our institutional roles, we must be able to interpret and apply that data for the purposes of short-term and long-range strategic enrollment planning. AACRAO has identified this skill as a Core Competency in Competency and Proficiency framework. Our members who aspire to grow in their roles must be proficient in data to successfully support their institution's enrollment goals. 

“We provide resources to teach our Core Competencies and Proficiencies in a variety of modalities- in sessions and workshops at our Strategic Enrollment Management Conference or at the AACRAO Annual Meeting, in faculty-led online courses, or in on-demand modules.” said Interim Executive Director Melanie Gottlieb. “While we are adding more and more opportunities all the time, sometimes the best way to bring resources to our members is by engaging with an external partner.”

Element451 is an advanced student engagement CRM, providing higher ed institutions with a competitive admissions advantage from recruitment to enrollment through the use of AI, student behavior data, and modern marketing automation.

“We know how eager enrollment managers are to use data analytics. But business analytics programs are too broad, and frankly, impractical for most.” Said Element451 CEO Ardis Kadiu “We created a hyper-focused course that will provide hands-on experience in a format that's ideal for busy employees -- from all types of schools. Our hope is to diversify the pipeline of enrollment professionals so the leaders of tomorrow better represent the students that schools serve.”

AACRAO offers this special opportunity as a part of the LEAD initiative. LEAD takes a multi-pronged approach at identifying and preparing a diverse group of enrollment leaders to take on leadership roles in Enrollment Management in North America and across the globe. Research indicates that in the next decade, nearly 40% of our enrollment leaders will change jobs or retire. Through our activities under LEAD, we seek to build the diversity of the pipeline into those leadership roles. Specifically in this opportunity, we seek to address the gaps in the leadership funnel for women and persons of color. 

To be considered for one of five AACRAO scholarships, you must apply through this AACRAO application by Friday, August 20th. The application window for this special opportunity is limited. Apply today.


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