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AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter Connect offers timely information, actionable tips, and expert guidance relevant to your career; stories about interesting colleagues doing inspiring things; and news about association services, activities and resources.

Like a virtual, on-demand AACRAO conference-between-conferences, Connect keeps professional conversations alive and helps you stay engaged with the association that advocates for and believes in your career. 

College Scheduler and TAMIU logos

Webinar: Help more students find the right classes

Feb 11, 2020

Increase student persistence with streamlined planning & registration.

members of the AACRAO black caucus at the 2019 Annual Meeting

Highlighting the work of the AACRAO Black Caucus

Feb 11, 2020

One of our largest caucuses, the Black Caucus is open to any member interested in advancing the black community in higher ed.

paper head silhouettes of various colors overlapping

Quick Take: AACRAO to host conversation with Education Department on 2020 Census and FERPA

Feb 10, 2020

Addressing confusion over what demographic information officials may share with Census Bureau representatives.

series of lightbulbs with question mark and one lightbulb shooting up like a rocket

Become a better leader

Feb 10, 2020

5 pillars of excellent leadership, regardless of your status or style.

diverse group of students holding a globe together

Beyond Safe Zones: Systematizing inclusivity

Feb 10, 2020

Become a true LGBTQ+ ally, wherever your campus is.

young student smiling out the window, seated at a table with books and laptop

​​​​​​​​​​​​ACE launches national task force to improve transfer credit practices

Feb 10, 2020

AACRAO is supporting the work of the Task Force

smiling businessman against dark background

Seeking Evaluators for AACRAO SEM-EP

Feb 10, 2020

Applications due by February 28.

global communications network concept, text overlay: AACRAO EDGE

AACRAO debuts enhanced credential evaluation database

Feb 10, 2020

Exciting new features will soon be unveiled in AACRAO EDGE, the Electronic Database for Global Education.

illustration of two people looking at calendar surrounded by piles of coins, graphs and magnifying glass

A SEM project management tool

Feb 10, 2020

How to manage the intricate, codependent, and time-sensitive processes that accompany any SEM plan.

Call for nominations text over map of globe with four pinpoints in designated areas

IIE launches Emergency Student Fund effort to support students affected by crises

Feb 10, 2020

Completed nominations must be received by February 19, 2020.

hands typing on laptop with email and messaging symbols floating over them

Field Notes: Admissions, do you have an operational communications strategy?

Feb 10, 2020

Why & how to build communications for the application and pre-enrollment process.

Student in headphones with pen in hand looking at laptop

Removing barriers to completion for online students

Jan 27, 2020

Proven strategies include enrolling two years out and tracking academic success.

chain changing to flying seagull against horizon background

Be the change: You don't have to be a VP

Jan 27, 2020

How Registrar & Admissions at ISU teamed up to advocate for inclusive policy changes.

bookshelves filled with academic works

AACRAO Journals: Scholarship for our professions

Jan 27, 2020

Learn more about the content—and how you can contribute. Both C&U and SEMQ welcome member submissions.

photo of Keir McIsaac

AACRAO SEM Endorsement program enrolls first scholarship recipient

Jan 27, 2020

Congratulations to Keir McIsaac, Int’l Student Recruitment Officer at the Memorial University of Newfoundland.

young black woman and older white man looking at paperwork in office

Field Notes: Deconstructing ageism in the workplace

Jan 27, 2020

All generations have gifts and blind spots.

illustration of people assembling web page

A credentialing infrastructure for the 21st Century

Jan 26, 2020

A new report on policy needs and important initiatives underway.

diverse hands from five people collaborate to put a puzzle together

Redefining service values in the registrar’s office

Jan 22, 2020

How one office un-siloed themselves and improved internal and external relationships.

the text "international scholarship opportunities" is visible at the bottom of the frame with an image of a globe connected by intersecting lines above the text

Scholarship opportunities abroad: Pakistan

Jan 14, 2020

A resource for international enrollment management.

hand touching digital representation of a checklist

Revised standards released for Registrar Services

Jan 14, 2020

This 2019 revision of the Registrar Services standards is the the first in over a decade.