U.S. Higher Education Nomenclature Committee
Creating a shared language
AACRAO aims to establish a recurring, national U.S. Higher Education Nomenclature Committee to engage in the foundational exercise of defining and agreeing on terms. A critical part of this phase of work will be recruiting and supporting the Committee
which will be supported by AACRAO and comprised of AACRAO members, individuals in institutional leadership positions, and peer organizations with experience in postsecondary processes.
Application Window - Closed
This committee is open to representatives from U.S. Higher Education Institutions and Higher Education organizations.
Time Commitment and Expectations
- Each participant will receive a $1100 stipend.
- Each participant will attend a monthly virtual meeting with asynchronous work.
- Each group will produce a minimum of 10 definitions.
AACRAO is the legitimate, longstanding source of information and advice on how to create and maintain trusted information systems and student records. The same policies and practices that have served well for over a century can be applied and modernized for the evolved learner information and data that digital credentials will deliver.
We are working to create a broad consensus on foundation principles and then build resources that empower institutions, vendors, and organizations to work in a shared understanding because establishing a shared language is a core capability for achieving trusted data.
Building a shared nomenclature is bringing together those responsible for defining essential business terms to clarify and be transparent about what we mean when we use those concepts. Aligning those business concepts to the actual data that represents them is how we get to a trusted, functional, student-serving system.
This work is funded by