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Call for Work Group members: Identifying Institutional Best Practices for Transfer Student Success

Nov 30, 2020, 17:06 PM
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Summary : Application deadline: December 11, 2020.
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Student transfer remains a key topic of national research and policy discussions.  AACRAO has been part of these discussions for decades by providing guidance on transfer student practice and policy for domestic and international students.  In addition to recurring research on transfer practice, AACRAO has also recently been part of several national research initiatives related to transfer.  Further, understanding transfer and articulation is one of our professional proficiencies.  Since student transfer remains high on the national and AACRAO agenda, we believe now is the time to develop the set of best practices that will inform requirements for an institutional “transfer student success” designation.


To identify a list of transfer related policies and practices that indicate an institution is effectively focused on transfer student success.


Building on AACRAO’s publications and research on transfer and related efforts, this work group will develop a preliminary proposal on what policies and practices need to be in place to support an institution being designated as an institution with best practices for transfer student success.  This proposal will be reviewed at a 2021 AACRAO convening on transfer and used to help finalize a list of identifiable practices and policies.  This list will subsequently be used by AACRAO to formally recognize institutions with an AACRAO designation. 

The workgroup will engage in research and provide a final report with recommendations to be reviewed at the 2021 convening. Learn more about the scope of the work at the application link below.

How to apply

Apply to AACRAO’s newest work group on transfer student success. The call will remain open until December 11, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. EST.  The final selection of members will be based on institutional characteristics and personal experience.  We aim to form an institutionally diverse roster to adequately address the differences in transfer student policies and practice.

Categories :
  • Transfer and Articulation
  • Volunteer
Tags :
  • volunteer
  • work group
two phones, each with an image of a woman in a mortarboard, reaching out to high-five over diplomas
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