Learn the Basics of Financial Aid Administration

April 5, 2022
  • AACRAO Publications
  • Financial Aid and FAFSA
Blue and white book cover for the Basic Guide to Financial Aid

AACRAO is pleased to announce the Basic Guide to Financial Aid release. This guide, created with input from leading experts in financial aid, enrollment management, and admissions, provides a roadmap for the chief enrollment management officer (CEMO) to learn the massive scope of all that comes with Title IV administration. 

While CEMOs typically have supervisory responsibilities over the financial aid office, only a small percentage of those CEMOs come directly from financial aid in their prior roles. This is not a surprising statistic, given that enrollment management professionals typically come from admissions and/or recruitment backgrounds (37 percent in 2014, 37 percent in 2017, and 34 percent in 2020). However, the fascinating detail behind these data points is that a high percentage of these same enrollment management professionals had an increasing supervisory responsibility over financial aid (56 percent in 2014, 62 percent in 2017, and 76 percent in 2020). Yet, the percentage of those with a direct financial aid background held constant. Therein is the basis for the Basic Guide to Financial Aid: To ensure that enrollment professionals with supervisory standing over a financial aid office genuinely understand the fundamentals of financial aid.

This book builds a foundational understanding of student financial aid programs and their requirements, delivery processes, and some of the inner workings of an institution’s financial aid office. It highlights the vital importance of training and exploration while illustrating how to examine and test ways to better help students. No college leader will succeed without a solid understanding of student financial aid administration and its many nexuses. This book provides a solid first step by synthesizing the copious amount of information into one digestible format.

Visit the AACRAO Bookstore today to get your copy of the Basic Guide to Financial Aid.


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