Admissions & Recruitment

The LER – Learning & Employment Record: What It Is, Why It Is Important, and Your Role in This Exciting Initiative

August 4, 2020

Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm ET

The American Workforce Policy Advisory Board (AWPAB) recently released its whitepaper on the Interoperable Learning Record (now the LER, the Learning & Employment Record); an initiative to translate learners’ full education, training, and work experience to a record of transferable skills that will open doors to higher wage occupations and careers. This session includes a panel comprising education service providers, employers, and technologists who will discuss the LER, illustrate the LER by presenting LER pilot projects, review the underlying technologies involved, including both blockchain and traditional information systems, and discuss how the LER can be supported by the higher education Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) efforts.

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Photograph of Tina DeNeen

Dr. Tina DeNeen

Associate Executive Director, Education and Member Development, AACRAO


headshot of Rick Torres

Ricardo (Rick) Torres

President and CEO, National Student Clearinghouse

headshot of Andy Trainor

Andy Trainor

VP, Walmart US Learning

headshot of Alex Kaplan

Alex Kaplan

Global Leader, Blockchain and AI for Industry Credentials, IBM

headshot of Marni Baker Stein

Marni Baker Stein

Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Western Governors University

headshot of Shelby Stanfield

V. Shelby Stanfield

Director, Service Innovation Networks, National Student Clearinghouse