Developing Inclusive Leaders: The ASCEND Program for Enrollment Management Professionals

August 30, 2023

August 30, 2023 | 3:00-4:00 pm ET
The ASCEND Leadership Development Program is an AACRAO LEAD initiative aimed at increasing diversity in enrollment management leadership roles. This workshop will provide an overview of the program and its components. 

Attendees will gain insight into how the ASCEND program identifies high-potential mid-level professionals from underrepresented backgrounds and equips them with the skills and experiences needed to take on leadership positions in various enrollment management functions. 

Participants will leave with the knowledge and skills necessary to move into senior-level roles in enrollment management.

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    Headshot of Johnika Dreher.

    Johnika Nixon

    Doctoral Student, Morgan State University

    Headshot of Malia Jones.

    Malia Jones

    Registrar, Elon University

    headshot of Kimberly McNair, EdD

    Kimberly McNair, EdD

    Interim Associate Senior Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management

    Kayla Nichols

    Deputy Director, Virginia Tech

    Daniel Overbay

    Director of Enrollment Management, College of Education & Human Dvlpmt., Temple University

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