A year after ascending, DeVos hails shrinking of the Education Department

February 8, 2018
  • Industry News

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos proclaimed Wednesday that her proudest accomplishments in her first year in office were shrinking the role of the agency, rolling back Obama-era initiatives and erasing outdated regulations.

The secretary reflected on her tenure exactly a year after she was installed in the post, following a trial-by-fire confirmation. Last year, the Senate confirmed her by the narrowest margin possible — with Vice President Pence casting a tiebreaking vote to make her education secretary. It was the first time a vice president had to vote to confirm a Cabinet member.

Read more at The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/a-year-after-ascending-devos-hails-shrinking-of-the-education-department/2018/02/07/19e9808e-0c2f-11e8-8890-372e2047c935_story.html