Peer Mentoring

AACRAO Peer Mentoring is an opportunity for AACRAO members to connect based on areas of professional strength and growth. Areas of professional development largely align with AACRAO’s Core Competencies and follow a peer mentor model–matching AACRAO members based on strengths and areas of growth rather than a hierarchical format.

AACRAO Peer Mentoring connects AACRAO members to help them further develop their professional goals and networks while letting the participants drive the relationship. Participants are encouraged to set goals and meet regularly to fit their schedules and professional development needs. Participants are encouraged to take advantage of monthly Lunch-n-Learns, themed resources, mentoring tips, discussions on the Exchange, and virtual engagement. Check out the FAQs for more tips.

The Community and Volunteer Manager (CVM) oversees the program in partnership with the Peer Mentor Coordinator, who serves as a champion for the program. The program leadership also conducts regular check-ins to ensure everyone is empowered to maximize this opportunity.

AACRAO Peer Mentoring will be open for three weeks at a time, twice a year: February and September. This is to make sure AACRAO staff have time to meet the needs of the program.

Apply for Peer Mentoring


Save the Date - March 7, 2025: Spring 2025 Peer Mentoring Kick-Off Lunch & Learn

What is Peer Mentoring?
  • While teachers educate the learning individual (learner) with new knowledge via instructional and evaluative methods…
  • While mentors train the educated individual (mentee) by passing down wisdom and solutions from their past experiences…
  • While coaches push the trained individual (journeyman) beyond their limits to develop their own experience and solutions…
…Peer mentors develop and support each other shoulder-to-shoulder, exchanging wisdom and experience as equals, and offering accountability for personal/professional goals.

What type of institution do you currently work at? (select all that apply)

What time zone will you be working in the majority of the time from March 2025-September 2025

What is your institution's enrollment size?

Did you participate in AACRAO's Peer Mentoring program in Fall 2024
What is your peer assignment preference? (Choose one; this response will remain confidential.)

What format of peer mentoring resources would you benefit from? (Select all that apply.)
Areas of Responsibility (select all that apply)

In the next two questions, you will rank your top growth and strength areas based on AACRAO's Core Competencies. Use the link to read more about the Core Competencies.

Which AACRAO Core Competencies do you perform at the Expert Level and want to assist your peer in developing (Choose your top 3)

Which AACRAO Core Competencies do you perform at the Entry Level and want to assist your peer in developing (Choose your top 3)

What are your goals for peer mentoring?

How often will you be able to commit to meeting with your peer?

What are your preferred method(s) of communication? (Select all that apply.)

By clicking yes, I agree to fully participate in this Peer Mentor program and commit to my peer for at least 6 months

By clicking yes, I agree to share the information provided on this page (unless marked confidential) with my assigned peer mentor.

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Peer Mentoring Tips

  • Before You Apply
    • Before filling out the applications, review AACRAO’s Core Competencies

    • Reflect on why you want to participate in the peer mentor program.

  • Before Your First Check-In
    • Establish regular times and expectations for communication. AACRAO recommends at least meeting virtually once a month with your peer mentor.

      • Questions you might want to discuss include:

        • Will you email in between meetings?

        • How will you schedule your check-ins?

      • Think through what information you want to ask or share with your peer mentor.

        • Questions you might want to discuss with your peer mentor include but are not limited to:

          • What areas are you struggling the most?

          • What barriers are you facing?

          • How do you define success?

          • What was one win you had in the past month?

          • What excites you about your role at your institution?

          • Why did you choose to apply for the peer mentor program?

  • During your first Check-In
    • Take time to get to know each other before jumping into goal-setting.

      • Asking questions about the person can help add context to your peer mentor relationship. Questions you might want to ask:

        • How long have you worked in your current role?

        • What made you choose the type of institution you work at?

        • What does your professional career path look like?

        • What are your professional goals?

    • Discuss and come to an agreement on what your goals are for your peer mentor relationship.

    • Be an active listener.


  • How will I find out who my peer mentor is?


    After the matching window closes, the CVM will email you to virtually introduce you to your peer mentor.


  • How are peer mentors matched?


    The CVM will review applications submitted during the open windows, which begin in February and September each year. Based on the areas of growth and strength selected, they will do their best to connect you with someone who can both help you learn and with whom you can help grow.


  • How much time should I invest?


    AACRAO recommends that you meet with your peer mentor at least once a month virtually. Make sure to discuss expectations for communication at your first meeting.


  • Are there any required outcomes?


    AACRAO recommends that you check out the tips listed on this page. It is up to the peer mentors to decide together what their goals are for the relationship and to set times to meet.


  • How long is the mentoring relationship?


    AACRAO will help make the initial match. After that you and your peer mentor will discuss the expectations and goals of your relationship. We encourage peer mentors to work together for at least 6 months to a year. We also recognize that some of you may want to continue longer - and that is definitely encouraged!


  • Additional Questions?


    If you have additional questions, email