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AACRAO LEAD Curriculum Work Group members named

Mar 17, 2019, 16:07 PM
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Summary : Workgroup to establish the Senior Enrollment Management Officer leadership development program, which will kick off this fall.
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Members of the AACRAO Leaders in Enrollment Advancing Diversity (LEAD) Curriculum Work Group have been named and their work is underway.

The LEAD initiative, launched at the 2018 Strategic Enrollment Management Conference, will take a multi-pronged approach to identifying and preparing a diverse group of senior enrollment management officers (SEMO) to take on leadership roles in Enrollment Management in North America and across the globe.


"The development of this leadership program is timely considering the pending number of SEMO retirements in the next 10 years. AACRAO should be commended for not leaving the fate of the enrollment management profession to happenstance,” said AACRAO SEM Advisory Board Member Dr. Tomikia LeGrande, Vice Provost of SEM at Virginia Commonwealth University. “The future of the SEMO profession is predicated on a pipeline of aspiring senior enrollment management officers from diverse backgrounds that have been intentionally prepared to face the enrollment challenges today and in the future."

Read on to meet committee members and find more information about the SEMO leadership development program, which will begin enrolling applicants this summer.

Members named
The AACRAO LEAD Curriculum Work Group is comprised of diverse individuals who hold executive, senior and mid-level positions in enrollment management from a variety of locales, institution sizes and types.

After an application and selection process, the following members were chosen (not all pictured):

  • Alton Austin, Registrar/Director of Enrollment Services, College of Central Florida

  • Arlene Cash, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Frostburg State University

  • Helen Garrett, University Registrar and Chief Officer of Enrollment Information Services, University of Washington

  • Rakin Hall, Executive Director, Office of Admission, University of Utah

  • Rachelle Hernandez, Senior Vice Provost for Enrollment Management, The University of Texas at Austin

  • Tammy Johnson, Dean of Admissions and Executive Director of Enrollment Services, Marshall University

  • Malisa Lee, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, California State University Fresno

  • Irlanda Price, Associate Vice President, Student Development, Medicine Hat College

  • Tiffany Robinson, Assistant Vice Provost/University Registrar, University of Kansas

  • Brencleveton "Donte" Truss, Vice President for Enrollment Management & Student Success, Shippensburg University

  • Paul "PJ" Woolston, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Marian University

20190122_172455LeGrande will chair the committee, which will also be supported by AACRAO staff Tom Green, Associate Executive Director, and Melanie Gottlieb, Deputy Director. Program assessment will be designed by the workgroup members with assistance from Oscar Joseph III, Chief Enrollment Management Officer, Anne Arundel Community College.

SEMO leadership program for new and aspiring professionals
Members of this workgroup will design a curriculum to prepare mid-level professionals in the competencies required to take the next step in enrollment management leadership. The curriculum design will incorporate AACRAO Professional Competencies and Proficiencies and may also leverage existing professional development opportunities offered by AACRAO.

The program will be a year-long intensive experience comprised of two components: (1) program curriculum focused on the development and application of senior level enrollment and leadership competencies and (2) mentorship.  The program curriculum will focus on four broad-based learning outcomes and their interconnectedness to diversity and inclusion: collaboration and consensus building around decision making, change management, data analysis and leveraging technology, and financial savviness.

“Through an engaging and innovative curriculum, participants can expect to take part in reflections, experiences, discussions and training that will assist in their development of essential competencies needed to be a successful SEMO,” LeGrande said. “Participants will also expand their professional network of enrollment management colleagues and senior enrollment management officers by engaging with other program participants, faculty and mentors.”

Application for the first cohort will open this summer, and enrolled participants will begin the year-long leadership development curriculum by attending the 29th Annual Strategic Enrollment Management Conference November 3-6, 2019, in Dallas, TX. Their program will culminate at AACRAO SEM 2020.

Watch future issues of Connect for further announcements.

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