Survey for senior SEM personnel: Contributing to institutional change to improve student success outcomes at four-year, private colleges and universities

April 26, 2019
  • Research
checklist and pencil on the right with the words 'SEM Personnel Survey" displayed to the right One of our members is working on her dissertation and has asked us to help make others aware of her research focus and invite them to participate. Included below is her introduction to her research and link to her survey.

My name is Terri Thomas, and I am a doctoral candidate in the Rossier School of Education at University of Southern California.  As part of my dissertation, I am conducting a qualitative research study to examine the roles and experiences of senior strategic enrollment management personnel in contributing to institutional change in order to improve student success outcomes at four-year, private colleges and universities. 

If you are interested in participating in the study, please complete this brief online survey by Monday, May 13, 2019.  The survey should take approximately 10 minutes and consists of 11 questions.

This survey will assist me in collecting general descriptive data and to identify a purposeful sample of 10-15 study participants.  If you meet the participant criteria for the purposeful sample, I will contact you to schedule a date and time for your individual interview, to be conducted online or in-person at your institution.

Each interview is anticipated to last approximately 60 minutes and may be audio recorded, with your permission.  Participation in this study is completely voluntary and both your identity as a participant and your institution will remain confidential at all times during and after the study.  If you are selected to take part in the study as part of the purposeful sample, you may receive a $25 Amazon gift card, to be e-mailed at the end of your interview.

If you have questions about the study, please contact me at

Thank you for your consideration,

Terri Thomas
Doctoral Candidate - Rossier School of Education
University of Southern California


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