Steven J McDowell

Headshot of Steven J. McDowell.

Associate VP Financial Aid Services & Title IV Compliance-Connecticut State Comm College

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2017 SEM-EP Graduate

Eleven-plus years of higher education financial aid experience across varying levels, which has included system policy development, legislative and regulatory analysis, system and campus financial aid administration, strategic planning, budgeting, enrollment management, institutional research, and state government relations.

Capstone Project - “Connecticut Community College Strategic Enrollment Management Master Plan” was written as a pilot plan to bring strategic enrollment management to the twelve community colleges that reside within the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities system. The contents of the plan seek to develop a new culture based around SEM, with leadership provided at the system level, which is designed to work with system colleges in advancing enrollment, retention, persistence, and progress goals.

SEM-EP Poster Session

McDowell is the author of AACRAO's Basic Guide to Financial Aid book, released in 2022, and Financial Aid Eligibility: Fundamental Concepts for College Administrators, Your Piece of Financial Aid Compliance, and Financial Aid's Role in Strategic Enrollment Management