Robert S. Hornberger, Ed.D.


Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Services, Missouri State University

Robert S. Hornberger, Ed.D., is Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Services at Missouri State University. In this position, he oversees the coordination and implementation of the university’s strategic enrollment management (SEM) plan, and provides executive leadership to the admissions, career center, enrollment services, registrar, scholarships, student financial aid, and veteran student center areas. Also in this role, Dr. Hornberger serves on the vice president for student affairs leadership staff, provost staff, academic leadership council, student affairs council, SEM council, higher learning commission advisory committee, enterprise risk management and compliance committee, and federal and state legislative teams, among other groups. Furthermore, He teaches courses in the MSU management and information technology department and serves on dissertation committees within the educational leadership doctoral program.

Dr. Hornberger has served as the president and a vice president of the Missouri ACRAO. As AACRAO’s Group 1 Coordinator, he coordinated the national committees within the area of admissions and enrollment management for the association and now serves as vice chair of AACRAO’s program committee. He has also served on AACRAO’s nominations and elections committee, as one of the three registrar content experts to represent the national organization on the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education’s Registrar Standards Revision Committee, and as the Enrollment Management and Retention Committee chair.

Dr. Hornberger earned a Doctor of Education in educational leadership and policy analysis from the University of Missouri, a master’s in computer information systems from MSU, and a bachelor’s in communication—socio-political from MSU. His research interests have primarily focused on predictors of academic success for conditionally admitted students, strategic enrollment management, and retention and persistence of various student populations.

A University’s Journey in Developing a SEM Plan