Melissa Frey

Melissa Frey headshot

Registrar & Dean, Chemeketa Community College

Melissa Frey currently serves as the Registrar and Dean for the Department of Student Recruitment, Enrollment, and Graduation Services at Chemeketa Community College (Salem, OR). She is also the Director for the Chemeketa Accelerated Pathways to Success Title V Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions Federal Grant Program.

As the current President-Elect for the Pacific Association of Collegiate Admissions and Registrar Officers (PACRAO), Melissa is passionate about bringing forth conferences and other professional development opportunities focused on professional issues common to PACRAO’s members. PACRAO also provides an avenue for its membership base – more than 350 regionally accredited 2-year, 4-year, and graduate schools with an individual membership of 1,500 professional admissions officers and registrars – to contribute to the general advancement of higher education, their professions, and their individual careers.

Melissa holds a Master of Education (College Student Services Administration) and a BS (Business, Management, Marketing, and related Support Services), both from Oregon State University.