Marty Reed

photo of marty reed

Founder and CEO of RANDA Solutions

Marty Reed is Founder and CEO of RANDA Solutions, a leader in Education Technology State Level
Platforms. Beginning in 1999, Marty has built a team of professional technologists passionate about
moving the needle in the education industry. Marty was responsible for the analysis and design of the
first Teacher Student Data Link (TSDL) system in the marketplace. Continuing to analyze the future of
the marketplace, Marty has led RANDA through the many verticals surrounding State Education Agency
architectural challenges to produce market leading solutions in interoperability and portability of
Student and Teacher data to maximize the impact of those data on student outcomes. Most recently,
through his leadership, RANDA has developed an Open Source Project, Open Credential Publisher in
collaboration with North Dakota and PCG creating a web wallet with the ability to publish a ToIP
compliant CLR of both k12 transcripts and Open Badges. RANDA also won the ACE blockchain
innovation challenge with Utah, ETS, Digital Promise and 4 diverse blockchain providers leveraging their
extensive experience with Statewide teacher platforms to provide agency to teachers and delivering a
new level of portability and verifiability. Marty is currently co-chair of the CLR 2.0 workgroup for the VC
compliant data standard and former co-chair of the T3 Learning and Employment Record Network. He
contributes standards development in W3C and IEEE organizations as well.