Marilee Hong

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Marilee Hong graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University (SDSU). Currently, she has been an International Academic Specialist in the Office of Advising and Evaluations, Enrollment Services at SDSU. A majority of Marilee’s career at SDSU has been affiliated with the admission of international students (graduate and undergraduate), evaluation of international credentials, and student advising with international documents. She was part of the NAFSA Training Corp, and led two training Evaluation credential workshops. She has also served as Chair of the AACRAO International Admissions Committee, led two AACRAO International Admissions Workshops and authored the chapter “How to Evaluate International Credentials” in AAACRAO International Guide: A Resource for International Education Professionals, an AACRAO-PIER publication. She also serves on AACRAO's International Publication Advisory Committee (IPAC) committee.