Kenneth McGhee

Director of the DC Tuition Assistance Grant Program

Kenneth McGhee is the Director of the DC Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DCTAG) within the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) in Washington, D.C. McGhee is also an enrollment management and financial aid consultant. He began his career as a financial aid administrator in 1995; since 1998, he has trained fellow higher education administrators, high school counselors, and college admission counselors in the financial aid process at the state, regional, and national levels. He has served as assistant director, director, and executive director of financial aid for multi-campus community colleges and universities. McGhee earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and his graduate degree from Northern Illinois University. He has earned the post–master’s degree certificate in enrollment management from Noel Levitz and Capella University.

Involving the Registrar and the Financial Aid Offices in Academic Program Decisions

Math’s Impact on College Admissions: Reasons to Consider A Policy Change 

The Pell Act – Is it Needed?