Kathryn Verkerk

headshot of Kathryn Verkerk

Associate Registrar, Student Recruitment and Admissions, Simon Fraser University

Kathryn Verkerk has 20 years of experience working in higher education and is currently the Associate Registrar, Student Recruitment and Admissions at Simon Fraser University (SFU).  Over 12 years, Mrs. Verkerk has worked in numerous areas at SFU including admissions, student recruitment, financial aid and awards, strategic enrollment management, academic and faculty advising, research services, and co-operative education.  Highlights of her time at SFU include developing an institution wide, undergraduate, strategic enrollment management plan; supporting the review and leading the implementation of a new undergraduate admission model, including holistic admission for the new Sustainable Energy Engineering program; and integrating the offices of undergraduate admissions and student recruitment into one department.  Prior to SFU, Kathryn worked at The University of British Columbia (UBC) for eight years in Student Recruitment and Advising managing national recruitment in Eastern Canada.

Kathryn is currently completing her Doctor of Education degree in Higher Education Leadership at Western University and graduated with a Master of Education degree in Higher Education from UBC in 2016.  Her undergraduate degree in Criminology was awarded in 2004 from Simon Fraser University.