Veterans & Service Members

AACRAO recognizes and honors the sacrifices these men and women have made and its members are proud to assist them and meet their educational needs. Veterans and students on active military duty and their families face special circumstances and challenges.

Changes in federal statute and executive actions have greatly promoted the expansion of services toward veterans and their families. Since the Post-9/11 GI Bill was passed in 2009, close to 1 million veterans, service members, and eligible dependents have taken advantage of the educational benefits available to them. With the passage of more recent legislation, such as the Forever GI Bill in 2017 and the Isakson Roe and THRIVE Acts in 2021, there will be significant changes to military education benefits over the coming years.


Latest Actions

AACRAO recently hosted a webinar to discuss the implementation of veteran legislation passed in December 2020, also known as the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act. This law will have a transformative effect on the mission of Education Service to provide ready access to, and timely and accurate delivery of, education benefits to Veterans, Service members, and their families, as well as further enable the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to empower GI Bill beneficiaries to achieve their vocational and career goals.

Other recent legislation introduced in both the House and Senate include important provisions to help ensure veterans can continue to receive their education benefits as well as technical corrections to the legislation passed last year.


New Report on Instructional Spending Policies

Sep 8, 2021, 19:41 PM
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Summary : Report argues that proposals to test educational quality would unfairly disadvantage nontraditional institutions.
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A recent report by the Veterans Education Project argues that a policy proposal that would hold colleges and universities accountable for the value of education they provide would unfairly disadvantage nontraditional institutions, reports Inside Higher Ed. Proponents of the policy say the report misrepresents what would be practiced.

The policy, proposed by Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn) and organizations like Third Way and the Century Foundation, would measure how much of a institution's tuition dollars are used for instructional spending in order to see how schools with poor student outcomes are using their resources, reported Inside Higher Ed. Colleges with a lack of resources would not be penalized for not improving outcomes.

The Veterans Education Project report, authored by Andrew Gillen and Jason Delisle, stated that for-profit institutions would be at a disadvantage, as public nonprofits would not be penalized because they have higher instructional spending ratios. They indicated a "weak correlation between spending and outcomes."

However, proponents of the instructional spending test say that the VEP report misinterprets how the metric would actually be used to examine student outcomes.

"The purpose of instructional expenditure policies was never to suggest that they—either by themselves or in conjunction with outcomes—would be adequate proxies for quality," Barmak Nassirian, vice president for higher education policy at Veterans Education Success, told Inside Higher Ed. "Quality is much more complicated than that."

Lanae Erickson, senior vice president for Third Way, added that the spending-to-outcomes ratio would only help determine the direction of what should be done to raise outcomes. "Instructional spending is not a proxy for outcomes—it's a diagnosis of why the outcomes are bad," Erickson told Inside Higher Ed.

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Inside Higher Ed 

Heather Zimar
Categories :
  • Advocacy
  • Industry News
  • Veterans and Service Members
Tags :
  • accountability
  • for-profit colleges
  • learning outcomes
  • Student Success
  • tuition
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