Parchment Award CLR Services - Enabling Higher Education Institutions

March 11, 2021
  • Comprehensive Record
  • clr
  • transcript

Parchment, the industry leader in academic credentials management, is launching Parchment Award - CLR Services. This service will enable higher education institutions to design, implement, and issue Comprehensive Learner Records (CLRs).

Parchment CLR Services expands an institution's ability to share the growth their learners have experienced and the capabilities they have developed in ways that a traditional transcript can’t. AACRAO has long been leading the conversation on the Comprehensive Learner Record, and is excited to see Parchment’s services usher in a new era on the topic.  

How does Parchment CLR Services work?

Parchment aligns institutional data into standardized modules for 4 types of Comprehensive Learner Records:  

  • Co-curricular records which validate activities, programs, and learning experiences that compliment the learners curriculum. 

  • Experiential records that certify experiences and accomplishments outside the classroom

  • Competency records that translate courses and credits into market-relevant skills

  • Visual transcripts which simplify and contextualize curricular, co-curricular, experiential, or competency information for learners, employers, graduate schools, and other stakeholders

Parchment and AACRAO will be hosting a webinar on March 11, 2021 at 12 p.m. ET that showcases how institutions are implementing CLRs through Parchment CLR Services today. Register today for this free webinar.


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