Diana Hull

diana hull portrait

Senior Associate University Registrar

It has been my privilege and pleasure to work for more than 30 years in the Registrar’s Office at the University of Florida, one of the largest and most comprehensive public universities in the US. After graduating with a bachelor’s graduate from the University of Florida, I found my first job at my alma mater. Little did I know at that time that the “job” would become a career and a passion that would last the entirety of my life! During my tenure, I have been charged and challenged with responsibility for virtually every facet of the operation of the office, working with numerous new system implementations and integrations and have had the honor of mentoring many professional staff members. Fostering of professional growth is a key value of mine and is evidenced in my regular attendance and participation as a presenter at state, regional and national conferences. I have spent the past six years supporting FACRAO as a member of the executive committee, including two terms as President. I have served as VP for Communications and Recognition, LAC committee member and on programming committees for SACRAO. I have also served AACRAO as volunteer coordinator for the annual conference in Orlando in 2018 as well as on programming committees for many years.