Comprehensive Learner Record/Learning and Employment Record

Building A Learning and Employment Record

AACRAO is a long-standing leader in the advancement of innovation in learner records.  Since 2015 AACRAO has supported the development of over 50 CLR/LER projects across the U.S.  AACRAO is working to promote awareness and advance knowledge around the Learner Employment Record (LER), a system that contains verifiable information about a person’s achievements spanning an inclusive range of contexts to include the CLR, the higher education component of the LER, in order to provide credentials that represent the skills and competencies achieved by the student during their academic career.  These learner records seek to capture, record, and communicate learning when and where it happens in a student’s higher education experience in ways that traditional transcripts are not usually able to accomplish. This includes learning outcomes from courses, programs, degrees, and experiences students have outside the classroom that helps develop their career-ready skills and abilities.

AACRAO Consulting will work with you and your team to provide recommendations for academic record practices that protect the integrity and validity of these expressions of learner achievement, supporting the principles of interoperability and student-centered records.  

While institutions should have various stakeholders engaged in CLR/LER exploration, implementation, and management, AACRAO strongly believes the Registrar must play a vital and necessary role to assure the expansion of the learner record and that its expressions beyond the institution are valid, have integrity, and represent the learner.  Additionally, as stewards of learning data, the Registrar defines and operationalizes the processes and practices to ensure compliance with Federal, State, institutional and academic policies while also providing the means and scale through which the curriculum is taught, recorded, and expressed on behalf of the learner for those outside the institution.

AACRAO CLR consulting services are learner-focused.  We believe the main reason to develop and deliver a comprehensive learner record is to demonstrate the learning outcomes of your students.  

The AACRAO process

Your CLR/LER planning and implementation process begins with a careful assessment of multiple areas, first focusing on the needs of the learners you serve - from delivery of student services, to use of staff resources, to workflow processes, to how you leverage technology.

Together, we’ll consider new CLR/LER strategies and processes, allowing you to:

  • Build frameworks and communication plans related to the CLR/LER

  • Measure, capture, and assess learning data

  • Analyze and understand data needs, inputs, sources and connections

  • Facilitate collaboration and stakeholder involvement

  • Identify goals and measure your success in reaching them

  • Enhance the use of technology to drive efficiencies and improve service

  • Work with curricular and co-curricular stakeholders to identify and record learning where and when it happens

  • Assist in evaluating current curricular and co-curricular landscape 

  • Determine areas, practices, and policies for the development of additional alternate credentials 

  • Evaluate the many components of a successful CLR/LER project

Contact AACRAO Consulting today to schedule your CLR Planning and Implementation and learn how we can help you.

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Northern Oklahoma College (NOC)

Location: Tonkawa, Enid & Stillwater, OK


Oklahoma’s oldest public community college with multiple campuses, NOC provides a high quality, accessible, and affordable education with a focus on collaborative and creative learning. In 2016, NOC began working on an overarching strategic plan to direct the future of the college. Within that plan, NOC wanted to specifically address strategies and efforts around recruitment, retention, and graduation to identify opportunities for improvement and better alignment with the institution’s mission and vision.


After successfully removing barriers in its transfer processes, NOC had been enjoying a higher-than-average graduation rate for a community college. But the college had never developed a formal recruitment plan. Focused on daily tasks and processes, the enrollment department had not completed a deep dive into the data to see how the college’s recruitments efforts were performing, and what might be done differently to improve application and enrollment numbers.

NOC knew the best way to identify opportunities for improvement would be to bring in outside experts to evaluate recruitment efforts. The college selected AACRAO Consulting for its thought leadership in the field of Strategic Enrollment Management.


AACRAO Consulting began the engagement by conducting a series of comprehensive on-site interviews with administration, faculty, students, and staff over the course of two days. Prior to their on-site visit, AACRAO Consultants also collected and reviewed in-depth data around NOC’s recruitment, enrollment, retention and application volume so that the consultants were well-informed and prepared for their review.

Based on discoveries from the interviews and data review, AACRAO Consulting developed a preliminary plan detailing their findings and recommendations. This plan was submitted to the college’s president and Senior Executive Team for assessment and feedback. After completing additional refinements and clarifications based on leadership input, AACRAO Consulting submitted their formal recommendations for developing a Strategic Enrollment Management plan to support NOC’s overall strategic vision.


AACRAO Consulting identified and outlined practical and actionable recommendations for a more strategic approach to recruitment and enrollment. This included recommendations for the acquisition of new ERP and CRM systems designed to automate and streamline recruitment, application, and enrollment processes. AACRAO Consulting additionally advised NOC to develop a communications plan for reaching prospective students and applicants, along with the technology to maximize the success of this plan. By modernizing their systems, NOC would be able to move away from their existing labor-intensive manual processes that were creating errors and delays in student response times.

AACRAO Consulting’s recommendations provided NOC with the foundation to build the college’s first Strategic Enrollment Management plan. The work AACRAO Consultants did allowed enrollment leadership to identify enrollment targets, dates for hitting those targets, as well as processes to measure the college’s progress toward achieving its goals.

The recommendations put forth by AACRAO Consulting have served beyond recruitment efforts as well. NOC’s president now plans to use the Strategic Enrollment Management plan to drive the college’s broader institutional decision-making.




One of the big plusses of working with AACRAO Consulting is that their people have extensive experience in the field. They are seasoned professionals who have been in my shoes, and know how to work with culture and change in the real-world operation of an institution. They also understand the need for recommendations to be actionable. I appreciated their ability to dissect the situation, get right to the meat of the issue, and prioritize implementation. Their insight and guidance proved invaluable in helping us manage change. I couldn’t have asked for more empathic and professional consultants.

Luisa Havens Gerardo, PhD, Vice Provost, Enrollment Management, Virginia Tech University