It's true -- everyone has a podcast.
Like many, AACRAO jumped into the world of podcasts a few years ago. As we approach
Season 4 of For the Record, we thought we'd take some time to evaluate. Are we on track to suffer the outcome of many -- the podfade -- or are higher grounds in store?
They love us. They really
love us.
Last year, For the Record hit 10,000 downloads. We stood in awe. People love us. You're listening. You're sharing. You're asking for more. Let's be honest, a podcast for registrars is a niche audience. Our goal is not to gain a global following and influencer status. Instead, we want to provide a space for a community dedicated to process improvement, integrity, and promising practices for all higher education institutions committed to serving today's students.
Onward and upward
Between March and May of 2019, only 19.3 percent of existing podcasts introduced a new episode, according to Blubrry. This is exactly when we launched. And yet, here we are heading into Season 4 with episodes exploring:
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
- The Importance and Role of Mentoring,
- Lessons Learned from Covid Systems Changes, and
- History of the Academic Calendar
queued up and ready to go. It's safe to say, For the Record, is committed to exploring how the Registrar will help shape the future of higher education.
The passion is real
For the Record, works because the host truly cares. Doug McKenna,
a man who avoids a social media presence, not only produced the music for the show but also serves as faculty for AACRAO Reg 101 workshops, and serves on many AACRAO committees. They say if you do what you love, it's not work and Doug clearly loves the registrar community.
It seems safe to say For the Record is in for the long haul. If you have not already, join the email list to learn about new episodes. Looking for a way to get involved -- we'd love to have you host a podcast as well. Let us know. There's plenty of room at the table.