Featured Speakers

Katherine Giardello

Opening Plenary - Katherine Giardello

Creativity + Technology = Good Vibes (& Cybernetic Transfer Systems Change)


This opening session will get your creative juices flowing as we think together about how creativity and technology intersect for good vibes and the facilitation of cybernetic systems change in higher education. The session starts with a crowdsourced digital discussion on creativity and ideas for cultivating creative mindsets to address historic systemic barriers in our field. Next, attendees will look at good cybernetic vibes associated with transfer innovations in colleges, universities, and systems of higher education across the country.

We’ll close the session by taking the good vibes to social media for more digital dialogue (on Twitter and/or LinkedIn) using the presenter's favorite hashtags, #Transferevangelist and #CollegeCompletionASAP.


Photograph of Susan Luchey - 2023

Closing Plenary - Susan Luchey

Innovation and Leadership: Embracing (or finding) Your Inner Orange and Green


We all have comfort zones we settle into with both our personal and professional lives. And those zones are important places that help us build our confidence and self-awareness. But, we can also get stuck there, stagnating our work and missing out on opportunities to be great, not just good. How can we challenge ourselves to make a habit of thinking outside the box, embracing change, and taking risks? Designing thoughtful and creative approaches to the way we do our work can be invigorating, stimulating, and challenging (in a good way!).

Learn how to apply design-thinking and innovation to your work habits through examples and practice in this interactive presentation.